Cherryville - Fenhurst Road


Cherryville is one of Adelaide's nicest-sounding townships. Fenhurst Road is its wire-in-the-blood. For 2.3km you'll be in the 'red zone' of double-digit grades as you navigate four switchbacks out of a valley to the top of Cherryville on Montacute Road.

Why has this climb never featured on the Santos Tour Down Under? Aside from the cruel punishment in an Australian summer this would present the peloton, it's actually accessible in one direction, so you need to descend the road before climbing back up it. The pros will breathe a sigh of relief for that, and you can too, in the knowledge you have to really, really want to ride down that road, in order to destroy your legs going back up.

Region Adelaide Hills
Previous Q/KOM Nil
Distance/Grade 2.325km @ 10.52%
Difficulty 🐨🐨🐨🐨🐨
Ride Type Road
Surface Sealed
Start Bottom of Fenhurst Road, Cherryville
Finish Top of Cherryville
Feed Zone Suburbs (15.4km after climb)
Traffic Negligible

Read ourΒ quick guideΒ to help understand this route.Β 


The Santos Tour Down Under is part of the UCI World Tour

UCI WorldTourUCI Women's WorldTour