
DJ Cloak & Dagga

Wed 18th Jan 2023 at 12:00 PM


Prepare to be entertained with our exciting line up of live performances that will entertain fans throughout the 10 day festival.

Nick Fahey aka DJ Cloak&Dagga aka DJ Petrol Money aka DJ Nick DaGgA has been a working Adelaide DJ performer for almost 20 years. Playing regularly at Adelaide institutions such as Supermild, Sugar, Beer and BBQ Fest, the Garden of Unearthly Delights and the Austral. He is left handed, loves all genres of music and his favourite colour is peppermint green.

DJ Cloak & Dagga play his set at the City of Adelaide Tour Village all day on Wednesday 18th January. 

Explore the full line up and start times of the live entertainment here.




The Santos Tour Down Under is part of the UCI World Tour

UCI WorldTourUCI Women's WorldTour